Sunday, May 31, 2015

FCC mulls calls on planes after flood of comments

With the roar of 1,400 people ringing in its ears, the Federal Communications Commission can now decide whether to allow cellular service on planes.

The deadline was Friday for comments about lifting a 1991 ban on airborne cellular service. Opposition was nearly unanimous, with messages ranging from hand-scrawled diatribes to multipage rants.

"This is the worst idea ever," wrote John Simpson of San Francisco. "It is already bad enough with people talking on their phones everywhere but most of the time one can move away from the idiot; on a plane you are stuck."

Frank Wake of Anchorage told the commission, "This is a very bad idea." If the ban is lifted, Wake said, it will become "cruel and unusual torture for those of us trapped."

But a relative handful of respondents supported cellular service. Thomas Elsner of Wheaton, Ill., said allowing more mobile networks on flights would drive down Internet costs and provide better service than the current Wi-Fi networks.

"But most important, this would give the power back to the consumers," Elsner wrote.

Now the FCC must review the comments and could vote to lift the 1991 ban on cellular service, which was created to avoid jamming ground stations. No schedule is set for taking action.

"The staff is going to go through the reply comments and the docket to see if they can discern a consensus or a possible consensus," said Angela Giancarlo, a former FCC staffer who is now a partner at Mayer Brown law firm in D.C. "On a good day, no one is surprised by the outcome."

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler told a House panel that he wanted to lift the ban during 2014 because the rationale for the rule doesn't exist any more.

The process now is for commission staffers to review all of the comments and determine whether to draft an order for the commission to vote on.The commission could also hold an educational meeting with technical advisors, but nothing has been scheduled yet. The review could take months, but there is no firm t! imetable.

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Even if the FCC lifts its ban, the Transportation Department is expected to regulate cell service aboard planes. The department already collected 1,774 of its own comments in preparation for rule-making.

Flight attendants, for example, are strongly opposed to allowing calls. Some airlines have said they wouldn't allow calls, even if the ban is lifted, while others said they would consider it.

Congress is also mulling legislation to block calls on planes. The House Transportation Committee approved a bill to ban phone calls on plans, and similar legislation was introduced in the Senate.

But FCC approval of cell service isn't assured. The 3-2 majority that agreed in December to gather comments includes a commissioner, Jessica Rosenworcel, who doesn't support allowing phone calls on planes.

The 4,000 comments, mostly negative, have been posted, but the FCC hasn't yet posted last-minute filings from industry groups that requested the extended comment period: AeroMobile, which provides cellular service on planes in the Europe and the Middle East; manufacturer Panasonic Avionics Corp. and CTIA-The Wireless Association.

In an earlier filing, CTIA said its companies are eager to provide mobile service to their customers that follows all FAA rules and airline policies.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Top 5 High Tech Stocks To Own Right Now

Top 5 High Tech Stocks To Own Right Now: Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche SpA (DAS)

Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche SpA is an Italy-based company primarily engaged in industrial sector. The Company designs, manufactures, sales and makes installation of machines and plants for the metallurgical industry. The Company's portfolio includes mines; pellet production plants; blast furnaces; direct reduction equipment; machinery for the treatment of scrap metal; steelworks for production of liquid steel; continuous casting machinery for blooms, billets and slabs; rolling mills for long products, seamless tubes and flat products; production lines for welded tubes and flat products; plants for secondary processing, such as peeling, rolling and drawing; forging presses and manipulators; extrusion presses for ferrous and non-ferrous metals; plants for longitudinal and transversal cutting; automation and control systems, and cranes and lifting equipment. It is also active in the production and sale of special steel for automotive, machine tools and railway industry, amon g others. Advisors' Opinion:

    EMCs products both hardware and software - are litearlly a geeks wonderland alphabet soup, which include Storage Area Network (SAN), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Virtual SAN, All-Flash XtremIO, Atmos, Avamar, Data Domain, Isilon, Pivotal, ViPR Software Defined Storgae, VMAX, VNX, VNXe, VPLEX, VSPEX (none of these are typos). Information storage makes up 70% of revenues and virtualization 23% of revenues. Products generate 55% of revenues. Services generate 45% of revenues. The Companys gross profit split is approximaltey 67% data storage and 31% virtualization.

  • [By Damian Illia]

    Crown Castle has acquired recently the privately held company NextG Networks Inc., largest provider of outdoor Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), with more than 7,000 DAS plus another 1,500 nodes in the pipeline, and over 4,600 miles fib! er-optic cables transmission rights. Through this addition, the company has improved greatly its DAS network across 26 United States metropolitan areas. As NextG has only 1.7 tenants per network on an average and thus underutilizing its capacity, Crown Castle will increase customers with no integration and rearrangement costs. Another companys big move was the acquisition of 9,700 wireless towers from AT&T Inc. (T) Located in the top 100 markets in the U. S. T-Mobile is likely to maintain its infrastructure in these towers for the next 10 years. On top of all, the recent conversion of business into a REIT has represented long term benefits for the company in terms of tax savings and enhancing shareholders wealth.

  • source from Top Stocks To Buy For 2015:

Thursday, May 28, 2015

MagicJack is Fighting an Uphill Battle (FB, CALL)

To give credit where it's due, magicJack VocalTec Ltd (NASDAQ:CALL) was once one of the market's hottest stocks, and rightfully so. The company made a unique and highly marketable product, and consumers embraced the living daylights out of it. That's what caused shares of CALL to soar - and this isn't a misprint - more than 5000% between late-2008 and late-2012. It was even one of the SmallCap Network's featured stocks for a while back in 2012; the growth story was just that compelling.

This isn't 2012 though, and the future that magicJack VocalTec is facing now isn't as bright as the one that it seemed to be facing then. Ditto for the stock, which at one point was up more than 100% for the 2014. Though CALL has since pulled back by about 25% from its March peak, the current price of $19.26 (and the subsequent market cap of $350 million) still seems to be overstating the company's foreseeable potential. Why? Two key reasons.

First, and perhaps foremost, the number of device users fell sequentially in the most recently completed fiscal quarter, from 3.3 million to 3.2 million. That in itself isn't alarming per se; growth for any company can ebb and flow in the short run, especially when the product line is forever going through changes... upgrades, to be specific. What's alarming is that the headcount of active users fell to 3.3 million in Q3 from Q2's (2013) 3.36 million. That 3.36 million was admittedly up from Q1's 3.27 million active users, but still, considering the company lost ground in terms of users in the past two quarters and in the quarter prior to those two quarters it only saw anemic growth (despite the fact that magicJack PLUS launched in June of last year) it's clear that demand is deteriorating with no apparent way to stop it.

The second reason CALL shares may still be overvalued: Renewal rates were only 40% last quarter. Granted, that was a stronger renewal rate than the average renewal rate of 28% seen in 2012. It's still not strong enough to take the pressure o! ff of device revenue, however. If device sales - even those purchased only so owners could gain access to the mobile app - hit the wall they're likely to hit (more on that in a second), the company's revenue will suffer, as the bulk of it comes from device sales rather than providing the service. Remember, the number of active users still fell last quarter, even with higher retention.

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Be that as it may, magicJack VocalTec Ltd may have bigger challenges than are apparent with a mere look at the accounting statements.

The recent $19 billion acquisition of mobile messaging service WhatsApp by Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) sparked some dreams of a similar valuation for magicJack VocalTec, with or without an acquisition. The euphoria may not have been felt by anyone more than current CALL CEO Gerald Vento, who made a point of making the comparison in Q4's conference call.

And from a cursory point of view, it's not a completely meaningless comparison. Whatsapp connects fellow users of Whatsapp, allowing them to send text messages, photos, and even audio messages between one another. MagicJack doesn't do any of that, but it perhaps does one thing better - it allows real-time voice-to-voice (VOIP) chat between fellow magicJack app users, in addition to anyone with a phone. If Whatsapp's 450 million users (and the 1 million it adds each day) is worth $19 billion, surely magicJack's 6.9 million app users (3.3 million of which used the service in the past 30 days) alone are worth much more than the company's current market cap of $350 million would suggest.

The problem is, the at that market cap, magicJack's 6.9 million users are already valued at $50 a piece... 20% higher than the crazy premium just paid per user ($42) of WhatsApp. If anything, even if CALL could command the same ridiculous pirce per user, the stock's still arguably 20% overvalued! .

 But a paying voice customer is worth more than user of a free text and photo delivery service? There's just one problem with the theory about the value of a voice customer... it's not accurate. Gartner's consumer technologies research director Brian Blau said it as plainly as could be in an interview last month: "MagicJack has a significant number of active app users, but not enough to attract a bidder...It needs to break into the mobile application business because the value of voice services is declining across the industry, threatening its niche as a low-cost provider over the next 5 to 10 years."

Translation: Not only are voice customers not worth as much as they used to be, they may actually be worth less than the $42 a piece that Facbook just paid Whatsapp for non-voice user. That being said...

While magicJack is getting deeper into the application waters that Blau said was necessary, it may be too little, too late.

Having never taken a commanding lead in the app space when it was still fragmented a couple of years ago, magicJack VocalTec gave Skype, Viber (mobile wi-fi calling), Facebook, and WeChat (video calls) time and room to pitch their tent in the same mobile, wi-fi-capable telephony space. While magicJack may have one of the more recognizable names in the business, Facebook has a stunning 1 billion users, Viber has 100 million users, Skype has 300 million users (though no details on its mobile users), and WeChat has 350 million users. Any and all of these VOICE-capable companies can use their size and scale in a way that magicJack simply can't.

To be fair, no two of these choices are exactly alike, and a particular individual could find the magicJack app meets their unique need. By and large though, magicJack VocalTec is facing enormous competition on the same basic front, and is unlikely to be able to make a dent in any of it.

It gets worse. With rumors that Whatsapp will be adding voice capabilities later this year, the need for the (paid) m! agicJack service is further diminished.

It gets even worse than that. Though this has not been tested and verified by the SmallCap Network editorial staff (the test is forthcoming), the buzz is that the new magicjack app for Android that's supposed to make free wi-fi calls from a web-enabled phone doesn't actually use a wi-fi connection. Instead, though it appears as if a user is instructing the app to connect to another user outside of that phone's cellular connection technology, in reality, it's still routing that call as if it were a normal cell phone call, using the cell minutes it wasn't supposed to use, defeating the purpose of the app in the first place.

While verification of magicapp's error is pending, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. MagicJack VocalTec Ltd has a mountain of other factors working against it, with no amount of strategizing that could foreseeably sidestep the oncoming freight train. Anyone who owns CALL should be worried here, and should be wondering if the bulk of the first quarter's rally was mostly a short-covering rally. The company itself has actually done little that will improve its marketing firepower anytime soon, and it just doesn't have the size it needs to muscle its way into any more market share when the Skypes and Facebooks out there are bearing down with highly comparable apps and services.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How to Profit from the S&P 500—Even if Earnings Disappoint

Related SPY Fed Issues Minutes from Jan. 28-29th, 2014 FOMC Meeting IMF Issues Note on Global Prospects, Policy Changes Ahead of G-20 Meeting in Sydney

I was reading an article that suggested investors are underestimating the extent that U.S. corporate profits could grow in 2014. And that the only reason the U.S. economy reported disappointing retail sales and weak jobs numbers and manufacturing data was because of the harsh winter weather. (Source: Shmuel, J., “Are EPS estimates currently too low?” Financial Post, February 18, 2014.)

Fortunately, so the story goes, the economy is so red-hot that once the snow thaws, investors will be rewarded with solid quarter-over-quarter corporate earnings growth. This suggests the weather has not just blinded investors to the fact that the economy has recovered (which it hasn’t), but that we are also so short-sighted that we can’t see the great gains waiting for us just around the corner—because if there’s one thing investors lack, it’s a desire to make money on the stock market…

Also Read: NYSE holidays 2014

I think investors are losing faith in Wall Street’s earnings potential because the corporations that go into making up the S&P 500 continue to warn us that their earnings are not going to be as great as they had hoped. And it’s not as if this is a new phenomenon.

Throughout 2013, as the S&P 500 marched steadily higher, an increasingly larger number of companies revised their earnings guidance lower each quarter. During the first quarter of 2013, 78% of S&P 500 companies that provided preannouncements issued negative earnings guidance; the second quarter came in at 81%; a record 83% of S&P 500 companies issued negative earnings guidance in the third quarter; and another record 88% did so in the fourth quarter.

For a country that is supposedly in the midst of an economic recovery, 2014 is not starting out on the best footing. For the first quarter of 2014, 80% of the S&P 500 companies that have issued guidance revised their earnings lower; this compares to 78% of S&P 500 companies that did so in the first quarter of 2013.

The overly optimistic analysts on Wall Street that have been pronouncing that the economy is all but recovered have been taking note. In one of the quickest about-faces, analysts have revised their first-quarter earnings expectations lower as well. On December 31, analysts were expecting firms on the S&P 500 to report first-quarter earnings growth of 4.3%. Today, that number sits at a paltry 1.2%.

The article I was reading went on to suggest that investors ignore the correlation between gross domestic product (GDP) and corporate profits. And that stocks increase by around 6.5% for every one-percent change in real GDP. So, if GDP improves according to projected forecasts, earnings estimates will rise and so, too, will stock prices.

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Unfortunately, first-quarter 2014 GDP growth of 4.2% is looking less and less likely. For starters, jobs numbers continue to disappoint, wages are flat, retail sales are weak, housing data is either down or missing estimates, and January car sales were off.

It’s also hard to reconcile a strong first-quarter GDP growth rate or robust 2014 GDP growth in light of a slowing economy. In 2013, the U.S. experienced full-year GDP growth of 1.9%—that number was 2.8% in 2012.

If the S&P 500 is only as strong as the stocks that make up the index and the stocks are a reflection of the economy, it’s not a total surprise to see why some investors are unsure of Wall Street’s earnings potential.

Those investors who are confident that the U.S. economy is on solid footing could consider an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the broader S&P 500, like the SPDR S&P 500 (NYSE: SPY) ETF trust. Or, if you think earnings will continue to disappoint, you could research an ETF that shorts the S&P 500, like the ProShares Short S&P500 (NYSE: SH).

This article How to Profit from the S&P 500—Even if Earnings Disappoint was originally published at Daily Gains Letter

The following article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.

Posted-In: Markets Trading Ideas

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015

As many stranded fliers suspected, the number of flights canceled this winter was the worst in two decades, according to the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

During the first three months of this year, 4.58% of the more than 1.4 million domestic flights scheduled by 14 of the nation's carriers were canceled. That meant 64,419 flights didn't get off the ground.

Flights that weren't scrapped altogether were often delayed during this winter of harsh cold and snowstorms, with the first three months of the year posting an on-time arrival rate of 72.1% ��the fourth-lowest in 20 years.

Still, March was an improvement on the month before, coming at the tail end of a dismal winter. In March, 77.6% of flights by the nation's biggest carriers touched down on schedule.That was in comparison with the 70.7% on-time arrival rate in February, but lower than the 79.8% of flights that arrived on time in March of last year.

Top Cheap Stocks To Own For 2016: Kirby Corp (KEX)

Kirby Corporation, incorporated on January 31, 1969, is a domestic tank barge operator, transporting bulk liquid products throughout the Mississippi River System, on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, and along all three United States coasts and in Alaska and Hawaii. The Company transports petrochemicals, black oil products, refined petroleum products and agricultural chemicals by tank barge. The Company, through its subsidiaries, conducts operations in two business segments: marine transportation and diesel engine services. Through the diesel engine services segment, the Company provides after-market service for diesel engines and reduction gears used in marine and power generation applications. The Company also distributes and services diesel engines and transmissions, pumps and compression products, and manufactures oilfield service equipment, including hydraulic fracturing equipment, for land-based pressure pumping and oilfield service markets. The Company, through its marine transportation segment, is a provider of marine transportation services, operating tank barges and towing vessels transporting bulk liquid products throughout the Mississippi River System, on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, and along all three United States coasts and in Alaska and Hawaii. On December 15, 2011, the Company completed the purchase of the coastal tank barge fleet of Seaboats, Inc. and affiliated companies (Seaboats). On July 1, 2011, the Company completed the acquisition of K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. (K-Sea). On April 15, 2011, the Company purchased United Holdings LLC (United), a distributor and service provider of engine and transmission related products for the oil and gas services, power generation and on-highway transportation industries, and manufacturer of oilfield service equipment. On February 24, 2011, the Company acquired 21 inland and offshore tank barges and 15 inland towboats and offshore tugboats from Enterprise Marine Services LLC (Enterprise). On February 9, 2011, the Company acquired from ! Kinder Morgan Petcoke, L.P. (Kinder Morgan).

The Company transports petrochemicals, black oil products, refined petroleum products, and agricultural chemicals by tank barge. The Company also owns and operates fits offshore dry-bulk barges and tugboats engaged in the coastal transportation of dry-bulk cargoes. It is a provider of transportation services for its customers. The Company, through its diesel engine services segment, sells replacement parts, provides service mechanics to overhaul and repair diesel engines, transmissions, reduction gears, pumps and compression products, maintains facilities to rebuild component parts or diesel engines, transmissions and reduction gears, and manufactures oilfield service equipment, including hydraulic fracturing equipment. The Company services the marine, power generation, oilfield service, and land-based oil and gas operator and producer markets.

Marine Transportation

The marine transportation segment is a provider of transportation services by tank barge for the inland and coastal markets. As of February 22, 2012, the equipment owned or operated by the marine transportation segment consisted of 819 inland tank barges, 236 inland towboats, 59 coastal tank barges, 65 coastal tugboats, fits offshore dry-cargo barges, fits offshore tugboats and one docking tugboat. The 236 inland towboats, 65 coastal tugboats, fits offshore tugboats and one docking tugboat provide the power source and the 819 inland tank barges, 59 coastal tank barges and fits offshore dry-cargo barges provide the freight capacity for the marine transportation segment. The Company�� coastal and offshore tows consist of one tugboat and one tank barge or dry-cargo barge.

During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company�� inland marine transportation operation moved over 50 million tons of liquid cargo on the United States inland waterway system. Products transported for its customers along the inland waterway system consisted of petrochemi! cals, bla! ck oil products, refined petroleum products and agricultural chemicals. Bulk liquid petrochemicals transported include, such products as benzene, styrene, methanol, acrylonitrile, xylene and caustic soda, all consumed in the production of paper, fibers and plastics. During 2011, the transportation of petrochemical products represented 59% of the segment�� revenues. Customers shipping these products are refining and petrochemical companies. Black oil products transported include products, such as asphalt, residual fuel oil, No. 6 fuel oil, coker feedstock, vacuum gas oil, carbon black feedstock, crude oil and ship bunkers (engine fuel). During 2011, such products represented 20% of the segment�� revenues. During 2011, refined petroleum products transported include the various blends of finished gasoline, gasoline blendstocks, jet fuel, No. 2 oil, naphtha, heating oil and diesel fuel, and represented 16% of the segment�� revenues. The Company also classifies ethanol in the refined petroleum product category. Customers are oil and refining companies, marketers and ethanol producers.

During 2011, agricultural chemicals transported represented 5% of the segment�� revenues. They include anhydrous ammonia and nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer, as well as industrial ammonia. Agricultural chemical customers consist of domestic and foreign producers of such products. As of December 31, 2011, the marine transportation segment operated a fleet of 819 inland tank barges and 236 inland towboats, as well as 59 coastal tank barges and 65 coastal tugboats. The segment also owns and operates fits offshore barge and tug units transporting dry-bulk commodities in coastal trade. As of December 31, 2011, the marine transportation segment operated a fleet of 819 inland tank barges and 236 inland towboats, as well as 59 coastal tank barges and 65 coastal tugboats. The segment also owns and operates fits offshore barge and tug units transporting dry-bulk commodities in coastal trade.

The Canal ! fleet tra! nsports petrochemical feedstocks, processed chemicals, pressurized products, black oil products and refined petroleum products along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, the Mississippi River below Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the Houston Ship Channel. The Linehaul fleet transports petrochemical feedstocks, chemicals, agricultural chemicals and lube oils along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Mississippi River and the Illinois and Ohio Rivers. Loaded tank barges are staged in the Baton Rouge area from Gulf Coast refineries and petrochemical plants, and are transported from Baton Rouge to waterfront terminals and plants on the Mississippi, Illinois and Ohio Rivers, and along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The River fleet transports petrochemical feedstocks, chemicals, refined petroleum products, agricultural chemicals and black oil products along the Mississippi River System above Baton Rouge. Petrochemical feedstocks and processed chemicals are transported to waterfront petrochemical and chemical plants, while black oil products, refined petroleum products and agricultural chemicals are transported to waterfront terminals.

The marine transportation inland operation moves and handles a range of cargoes. As of December 21, 2011, of the 819 inland tank barges operated, 618 were petrochemical and refined products barges, 123 were black oil barges, 63 were pressure barges, 10 were refrigerated anhydrous ammonia barges and five were specialty barges. Marine transportation services for inland movements are conducted under long-term contracts, ranging from one to five years. Kirby Inland Marine, LP (Kirby Inland Marine) operates commercial tank barge fleeting service (temporary barge storage facilities) in ports, including Houston, Corpus Christi and Freeport, Texas, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana and other locations on the Mississippi River. Included in the fleeting service is a 51% interest and management control of a shifting operation and fleeting service for dry cargo barges and tank barges ! on the Ho! uston Ship Channel. Kirby Inland Marine provides service for its own barges, as well as outside customers, transferring barges within the areas noted, as well as fleeting barges.

Kirby Logistics Management (KLM) is a division of Kirby Inland Marine providing shore-based tankerman and support services to the Company and third parties. Services provided by KLM include barge tankermen, marine terminal, refinery and chemical plant dock operators, and terminal management services. KLM�� services to the Company and third parties cover the Gulf Coast, mid-Mississippi Valley, and the Ohio River Valley. The Company owns a 66% interest in Osprey Line, L.L.C. (Osprey), which transports project cargoes and cargo containers by barge on the United States inland waterway system. The segment�� coastal operations are conducted through wholly owned subsidiaries, K-Sea Transportation Partners LLC and Kirby Ocean Transport Company (Kirby Ocean Transport). K-Sea provides marine transportation of refined petroleum products and black oil products in each coastal region of the United States. The coastal operations consist of the Atlantic, New York, Pacific and Hawaii Divisions. The Atlantic Division operates along the eastern seaboard of the United States and along the Gulf Coast. The Atlantic Division vessels call on coastal states from Maine to Texas, servicing refineries, storage terminals and power plants. The Atlantic Division also operates equipment on the Great Lakes, in the Caribbean, and in Venezuela and the Eastern Canadian provinces.

The New York Division operates in the New York Harbor, close to container terminals, cruise piers, refineries and petroleum storage facilities. The New York Division also performs coastal voyages between Maine and Norfork, Virginia and manages operations in Philadelphia. The New York Division�� fleet consists of tank barges in the 10,000 to 89,000 barrel capacity range and tugboats in the 1800 to 3400 horsepower range, transporting refined petroleum produ! cts for l! ocal and regional customers, black oil products to power generation customers and the delivery of bunker fuel to ships. The Pacific Division operates along the Pacific coast of the United States, servicing refineries and storage terminals from Southern California to Washington State, throughout Alaska, including Dutch Harbor, Cook Inlet and the Alaska River Systems, and from California to Hawaii. The Pacific Division�� fleet consists of tank barges in the 13,000 to 185,000 barrel capacity range and tugboats in the 1000 to 11800 horsepower range, transporting refined petroleum products.

The Hawaii Division services local petroleum retailers and oil companies distributing refined petroleum products and black oil products between the Hawaiian islands and provides other services to the local maritime community. As of December 31, 2011, the Hawaii Division�� fleet consisted of tank barges in the 52,000 to 86,000 barrel capacity range and tugboats in the 1200 to 7200 horsepower range, transporting refined petroleum products for local and regional customers, black oil products to power generation customers, and the delivery of bunker fuel to ships. The Hawaii Division also provides service docking, standby tug assistance and line handling to vessels using the Single Point Mooring installation at Barbers Point, Oahu, a facility for tankers to load and discharge their cargos through an offshore buoy and submerged pipeline without entering the port. As of December 31, 2011, the coastal fleet consisted of 59 tank barges, 56 of which were double hull and three of which were single hull, with 3.8 million barrels of capacity, transporting refined petroleum products and black oil products. As of December 31, 2011, the Company operated 65 Company-owned coastal tugboats ranging from 1000 to 11800 horsepower. Tugboats in the 1800 to 3400 horsepower classes provide power for barges used in the New York Division. Tugboats in the 1000 to 11800 horsepower classes provide power for barges used in the Atlantic! , Pacific! and Hawaii Divisions. Kirby Ocean Transport owns and operates a fleet of fits offshore dry-bulk barges, fits offshore tugboats and one docking tugboat. Kirby Ocean Transport also has a contract with Holcim (US) Inc. (Holcim) to transport Holcim�� limestone requirements from a facility adjacent to the PEF facility at Crystal River to Holcim�� plant in Theodore, Alabama. Kirby Ocean Transport is also engaged in the transportation of coal, fertilizer and other bulk cargoes on a short-term basis between domestic ports and occasionally the transportation of grain from domestic ports to ports primarily in the Caribbean Basin.

Diesel Engines

The Company, through wholly owned subsidiary Kirby Engines Systems, Inc. (Kirby Engine Systems), is engaged in the overhaul and repair of medium-speed and high-speed diesel engines and reduction gears, and related parts sales used in marine and power generation applications, and distributes and services high-speed diesel engines and transmissions, pumps and compression products, and manufactures oilfield service equipment, including hydraulic fracturing equipment, used in land-based pressure pumping, oilfield service, power generation and transportation applications.

For the marine market, the Company sells Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) replacement parts, provides service mechanics to overhaul and repair engines and reduction gears, and maintains facilities to rebuild component parts or entire engines and reduction gears. For the power generation market, the Company provides service and parts capabilities and safety-related products to power generation operators and to the nuclear industry, and manufactures engine generator and pump sets for the power generation operators and municipalities. The Company expanded its diesel engine services operation with the purchase of United, a manufacturer, diesel engine and transmission distributor and service provider for the land-based oil and gas services market, oil and gas operat! ors and p! roducers, compression companies, power generation companies, on-highway transportation companies and agricultural markets. United�� principal businesses are the distribution and service of diesel engines, pumps and transmissions, the manufacture and remanufacture of oilfield service equipment, including hydraulic fracturing equipment, and the manufacture of compression equipment for natural gas transmission and for natural gas fired power generation plants.

The Company is engaged in the overhaul and repair of medium-speed and high-speed diesel engines and reduction gears, line boring, block welding services and related parts sales for customers in the marine industry. The Company services medium-speed and high-speed diesel engines utilized in the inland and offshore barge industries. It also services marine equipment and offshore drilling equipment used in the offshore petroleum exploration and oil service industry, marine equipment used in the offshore commercial fishing industry and vessels owned by the United States government. The Company has marine operations throughout the United States providing in-house and in-field repair capabilities and related parts sales. The medium-speed operations are located in Houma, Louisiana, Chesapeake, Virginia, Paducah, Kentucky, Seattle, Washington and Tampa, Florida. The operations based in Chesapeake, Virginia and Tampa, Florida are authorized distributors for 17 eastern states and the Caribbean for Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. (EMD). The marine operations based in Houma, Louisiana, Paducah, Kentucky and Seattle, Washington are nonexclusive authorized service centers for EMD providing service and related parts sales. The Houma, Louisiana operation concentrates on the inland and offshore barge and oil services industries. The Tampa, Florida operation concentrates on Gulf of Mexico offshore dry-bulk, tank barge and harbor docking operators. The Paducah, Kentucky operation concentrates on the inland river towboat and barge operators and the Great Lake! s carrier! s. The Seattle, Washington operation concentrates on the offshore commercial fishing industry, tugboat and barge industry, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and Navy, and other customers in Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. The high-speed operations are located in Houma, Baton Rouge, Belle Chasse and New Iberia, Louisiana, Paducah, Kentucky, Mobile, Alabama and Houston, Texas. The Company serves as a factory-authorized marine dealer for Caterpillar diesel engines in Alabama, Kentucky and Louisiana. The Company also operates factory-authorized full service marine dealerships for Cummins, Detroit Diesel and John Deere diesel engines, as well as Allison transmissions and Twin Disk marine gears.

During 2011, the Company was engaged in the overhaul and repair of diesel engines and reduction gears, line boring, block welding service and related parts sales for power generation customers, which represented 9% of the segment�� revenues. The Company is also engaged in the sale and distribution of parts for diesel engines and governors to the nuclear industry. The Company services users of diesel engines, which provides standby, peak and base load power generation, as well as users of industrial reduction gears, such as the cement, paper and mining industries. The Company provides in-house and in-field repair capabilities and safety-related products to power generation operators from its Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Paducah, Kentucky and Seattle, Washington locations. The Rocky Mount operation is also the distributor of EMD products to the nuclear industry, the global distributor for Woodward Governor products to the nuclear industry, the global distributor of Cooper Energy Services, Inc. products to the nuclear industry, and owns the assets and technology necessary to support the Nordberg medium-speed diesel engines used in nuclear applications. In addition, the Rocky Mount operation is a distributor for Honeywell International Incorporated industrial measurement and control products to the ! nuclear i! ndustry, an distributor for Norlake Manufacturing Company transformer products to the nuclear industry and a non-exclusive distributor of analog Weschler Instruments metering products and distributor of digital Weschler metering products to the nuclear industry. The Paducah, Kentucky operation provides in-house and in-field repair services for Falk industrial reduction gears in the Midwest. The Seattle, Washington operation provides in-house and in-field repair services for Alco engines located on the West Coast and the Pacific Rim.

The Company�� power generation customers are domestic utilities and the global nuclear power industry. The Company is engaged in the distribution and service of diesel engines, pumps and transmissions, the manufacture and remanufacture of oilfield service equipment and the manufacture of compression equipment for natural gas transmission and for natural gas fired power generation plants. The Company offers a range of custom fabricated oilfield service equipment, fully tested and field ready. The Company manufactures products or components that are purchased by a company and marketed under the purchasing company�� brand name. The Company distributes, sells parts and services diesel engines and transmissions for on and off-highway use, and provide in-house and in-field service capabilities. The Company is also the exclusive distributor for Daimler for engines and related equipment in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. The Company manufactures and re-manufacturers oilfield service equipment, including hydraulic fracturing equipment, pressure pumping units, nitrogen pumping units, cementers, hydration equipment, mud pumps and blenders. The Company also manufactures and packages custom compressor systems, including electric motor driven systems, natural gas driven systems and industrial air systems, and manufactures natural gas General Motors and Isuzu diesel-powered engines for a range of applications from 40 to 500 horsepower. The Company is a dealer of Thermo K! ing refri! gerated systems for trucks, railroad cars and other land transportation markets in south and central Texas. The Company�� land-based customers include oilfield service providers, oil and gas operators and producers, compression companies, domestic utilities, on-highway transportation companies and companies associated with the agricultural markets.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Aimee Duffy]

    The role of the barge can't be underestimated. Barge receipts increased more than two percentage points year over year, and this is a great place for investors to look for opportunity. Companies with maritime resources benefit from this trend, as well as growth in exports. Three such companies that are worth a look are:

    Kirby Corporation (NYSE: KEX  ) , which operates 30% of the coastal tank barges in the U.S.� Oiltanking Partners (NYSE: OILT  ) , which has storage capacity of 12.1 million barrels and six deepwater docks on the Houston Ship Channel Martin Midstream Partners (NASDAQ: MMLP  ) , which operates a large fleet of inland barges and controls 31 marine terminals�

    These companies won't be the only winners, but they are a good place to start your research.

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: Frontline Ltd (FRO)

Frontline Ltd., incorporated on June 12, 1992, is a shipping company. The Company is engaged primarily in the ownership and operation of oil tankers and oil/bulk/ore (OBO) carriers. The Company operates tankers of two sizes: very large crude carriers (VLCCs), which are between 200,000 and 320,000 deadweight tons, and Suezmax tankers, which are vessels between 120,000 and 170,000 deadweight tons. As of December 31, 2010, its tanker and OBO fleet consisted of 73 vessels. The fleet consists of 44 VLCCs, which are either owned or chartered in, 21 Suezmax tankers, which are either owned or chartered in and eight Suezmax OBOs, which are chartered in. The Company also had five VLCC newbuildings and two Suezmax newbuildings on order and three VLCCs under its commercial management. In February 2010, it purchased the VLCC Front Vista from Ship Finance International Limited (Ship Finance). In January 2011, it sold the VLCC Front Shanghai.

The Company operates through subsidiaries and partnerships located in the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, India, the Isle of Man, Liberia, Norway, the United Kingdom and Singapore. The Company is also engaged in the charter, purchase and sale of vessels. In April 2010, the Company delivered the single hull Suezmax Front Voyager. During the year ended December 31, 2010, six newbuildings were completed. Four Suezmax vessels were delivered: the Northia, on January 5, 2010; the Naticina, on March 9, 2010; the Front Odin, on May 5, 2010, and the Front Njord on August 12, 2010. Two VLCCs were delivered: the Front Cecilie on June 10 and the Front Signe on August 9, 2010. As of December 31, 2010, the Company's newbuilding program consisted of two Suezmax tankers and five VLCCs.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Tyler Crowe]

    Oil tankers could also see a benefit as well. With potential of the SUMED pipeline being shut down, it would mean that tankers would need to increase traffic by 2 million barrels per day and increase its shipment times as much as LNG tankers.�Norway's�Frontline� (NYSE: FRO  ) , the world's largest oil tanker fleet, has day rates of about $25,000 for its oil carriers, so it's not as much of a win as LNG carriers. Also, higher fuel prices for all shipments will eat into that revenue boost.�

  • [By Sean Williams]

    Frontline (NYSE: FRO  )
    Shares of Frontline, a transporter of oil and oil products, as well as coal and iron ore, shot higher earlier this week despite no specific news. Many investors might remember Frontline as a company that paid out a double-digit yield as recently as a few years ago. However, the landscape of the shipping sector has drastically changed, and even at just $2 a share it's no longer the value it once was.

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: Norfolk Souther Corporation(NSC)

Norfolk Southern Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages in the rail transportation of raw materials, intermediate products, and finished goods primarily in the United States. The company transports coal products, such as coal, coke, and iron ore; automotive products, including finished vehicles and auto parts; chemicals products consisting of sulfur and related chemicals, petroleum products, chlorine and bleaching compounds, plastics, rubber, industrial chemicals, chemical wastes, and municipal wastes; metals and construction products comprising steel, aluminum products, machinery, scrap metals, cement, aggregates, bricks, and minerals; and paper, clay, and forest products, including lumber and wood products, pulp board and paper products, wood fibers, wood pulp, scrap paper, and clay. It also transports agriculture, consumer, and government products, such as soybeans, wheat, corn, fertilizer, animal and poultry feed, food oils, flour, beverages, canned goods, swee teners, consumer products, ethanol, and items for the military. In addition, it engages in the intermodal operations that include moving of shipments in trailers, the United States and international containers, and roadrailer equipment. Further, the company transports overseas freight through various Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports, as well as provides a range of logistics services; and operates passenger and commuter trains. Additionally, it involves in the acquisition, leasing, and management of coal, oil, gas, and minerals; the development of commercial real estate; telecommunications; and the leasing or sale of rail property and equipment. As of December 31, 2010, the company operated approximately 20,000 route miles in 22 states and the District of Columbia. The company was founded in 1883 and is based in Norfolk, Virginia.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Teresa Rivas]

    This could eventually cut the number of North American Class Is in half, something that the regulators will take under very serious consideration before giving their blessings on the first merger. If a CP-CSX union occurs, Norfolk Southern (NSC) would be the next target, in our opinion, as Canadian National Railway (CNI), Union Pacific (UNP), and [Berkshire Hathaway�� (BRKB)] BNSF could each contemplate forming their own transcontinental railway. CP�� reported offer to merge with CSX could boost the latter�� stock price on Monday, while CP shares may underperform the group.

  • [By Marc Bastow]

    Railroad operator Norfolk Southern (NSC) raised its quarterly dividend 3.8% to 54 cents per share, payable on Mar. 10 to shareholders of record as of Feb. 7.
    NSC Dividend Yield: 2.37%

  • [By Teresa Rivas]

    Oglenski and Mori also cut their price target on Norfolk Southern (NSC) by $1 to $100, a reflection of their trimmed earnings forecasts, also related to their outlook for coal. They rate Norfolk Southern at Equal Weight.

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: Marlin Midstream Partners LP (FISH)

Marlin Midstream Partners, LP, incorporated on April 19, 2013, develops, owns, operates and acquires midstream energy assets. The Company provides natural gas gathering, transportation, treating and processing services and One million cubic feet (NGL) transportation services, which it refer to as its midstream natural gas business, and crude oil transloading services, which it refer to as its crude oil logistics business. The Company operates in two segments: Midstream Natural Gas and Crude Oil Logistics. Its primary midstream natural gas assets consist of two related natural gas processing facilities located in Panola County, Texas; a natural gas processing facility located in Tyler County, Texas; two natural gas gathering systems connected to its Panola County processing facilities, and two NGL transportation pipelines that connect its Panola County and Tyler County processing facilities to third party NGL pipelines.

Midstream Natural Gas

The Company's primary midstream natural gas assets consist of two related natural gas processing facilities located in Panola County, Texas with an approximate design capacity of 220 One million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d), a natural gas processing facility located in Tyler County, Texas with an approximate design capacity of 80 MMcf/d, two natural gas gathering systems connected to its Panola County processing facilities that include approximately 65 miles of natural gas pipelines with an approximate design capacity of 200 MMcf/d, and two NGL transportation pipelines with an approximate design capacity of 20,000 Stock tank barrel per day (Bbls/d) that connect its Panola County and Tyler County processing facilities to third party NGL pipelines. Its primary midstream natural gas assets are located in long-lived oil and natural gas producing regions in East Texas and gather and process NGL-rich natural gas streams associated with production primarily from the Cotton Valley Sands, Haynesville Shale, Austin Chalk and Eaglebine formations.

Crude Oil Logistics

The Company's crude oil logistics assets consist of two crude oil transloading facilities: its Wildcat facility located in Carbon County, Utah, where it operates one skid transloader and two ladder transloaders, and its Big Horn facility located in Big Horn County, Wyoming, where the Company operates one skid transloader and one ladder transloader. Its transloaders are used to unload crude oil from tanker trucks and load crude oil into railcars and temporary storage tanks. It�� Wildcat and Big Horn facilities provide transloading services for production originating from well-established crude oil producing basins, such as the Uinta and Powder River Basins. Its skid transloaders each have a transloading capacity of 475 Stock tank barrel per hour (Bbls/hr), and its ladder transloaders each have a transloading capacity of 210 Bbls/hr.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Robert Rapier] In last week’s MLP Investing Insider (MLPII) I took a look at the MLP IPOs from the first half of 2013. Today I review the half dozen that have debuted in the second half of 2013.

    Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE: PSXP) launched on July 23 as one of the most anticipated IPOs this year. PSXP owns some of the midstream logistics assets of its sponsor, Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX). PSXP has yet to announce its first distribution, but according to the IPO prospectus the minimum yield will be $0.85 per unit on an annualized basis. At the current unit price, this equates to a minimum annual yield of 2.8 percent, which is mainly a function of the huge run-up in unit price between the IPO pricing and today’s unit price. If the distribution does come in near the minimum, the unit price will almost certainly correct downward following the announcement.

    Marlin Midstream Partners (Nasdaq: FISH) launched on July 26. The partnership provides natural gas gathering, transportation, treating and processing services, NGL transportation services and crude oil transloading services. Marlin’s assets include three natural gas processing facilities in Texas, two natural gas gathering systems, two NGL transportation pipelines, and two crude oil transloading facilities. Marlin expects most of the gross margin to be generated under fee-based, minimum volume commercial agreements.

    Marlin targets a coverage ratio of 1.10x to support distributions. Marlin’s partnership agreement provides for a minimum quarterly distribution of $0.35 per unit for each whole quarter, or $1.40 per unit on an annualized basis. The prorated distribution for the two months of the recently concluded quarter since tje IPO should be announced soon. The minimum annual yield based on the current unit price is projected at 7.7 percent. The unit price has declined 6 percent since the IPO.

  • [By Robert Rapier]

    Performance so far has been consistent with the advances enjoyed by most of the MLP IPOs over the past year. In fact a few of them made major advances. As discussed in last week�� article No Letup for Last Year�� Top IPO, the best performing MLP of the year so far is Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE: PSXP), which came public last summer and is up 48 percent year-to-date. Of course, there are some exceptions. Marlin Midstream Partners (Nasdaq: FISH) conducted its IPO three days after Phillips 66 Partners last year, and it has traded below its IPO price since. �

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: Expeditors International of Washington Inc.(EXPD)

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. provides logistics services in the United States and internationally. The company?s services include consolidation or forwarding air and ocean freight; distribution management; vendor consolidation; cargo insurance; purchase order management; and customized logistics information. Its airfreight services comprise the procurement of shipments from its customers; determination of the routing; consolidation of shipments bound for a particular airport distribution point; and selection of the airline for transportation to the distribution point. The company also offers breakbulk services that include receiving and breaking down consolidated airfreight lots and arranging for distribution of the individual shipments. Its ocean freight and ocean services include ocean freight consolidation; and handling full container loads. In addition, the company acts as a customs broker, who assists importers to clear shipments through customs by pre paring required documentation, calculating and providing for payment of duties on behalf of the importer, arranging for any required inspections by governmental agencies, and arranging for delivery; and provides other value added services at destination, such as warehousing and product distribution, time definite transportation, and inventory management. Further, it offers custom clearances for goods moving by rail and truck between the United States, Canada, and/or Mexico; and customs consulting services The company?s customers primarily include retailers, distributors of consumer electronics, department store chains, clothing and shoe wholesalers, manufacturers, and catalogue stores. Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. was founded in 1979 and is based in Seattle, Washington.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    The express-delivery company has gained 28% during the past three months, trumping the 18% return from�United Parcel Service�(UPS), the 4.6% gain in J.B. Hunt Transport Services (JBHT) and the 0.2% rise in Expeditors International of Washington�(EXPD).

  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    Like everyone else, Deutsche Bank’s Justin Yagerman starts with his reservations: FedEx has gained 28% during the past three months, trumping the United Parcel Service�� (UPS) 14% advance, the 1.1%rise in�J.B. Hunt Transport Services�(JBHT) and the 3.9% loss in�Expeditors International of Washington�(EXPD).

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc.(CHRW)

C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc., a third-party logistics company, provides multimodal freight transportation services and logistics solutions to companies in various industries worldwide. It offers freight transportation services through its contractual relationships with various transportation companies, including motor carriers, railroads, air freight carriers, and ocean carriers. The company has contractual relationships with approximately 49,000 transportation companies. Its transportation and logistics services include truckload, less-than-truckload, intermodal, ocean, and air freight transportation, as well as transportation management, customs brokerage, and warehousing services. In addition, it engages in buying, selling, and marketing fresh produce to grocery retailers, restaurants, produce wholesalers, and foodservice distributors under the Fresh 1 and OurWorld Organics names, as well as under Tropicana, Welch?s, Mott?s, and Glory Foods names. Further, the company provides spend management and payment processing services through a platform that facilitates funds transfer, vendor payments, fuel purchasing, and online expense management primarily for motor carriers and truck stop chains. It operates through a network of 232 branch offices in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, and the Middle East. C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. was founded in 1905 and is headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jake L'Ecuyer]

    CH Robinson Worldwide (NASDAQ: CHRW) was down, falling 8.99 percent to $53.37 after the company reported downbeat Q4 results.

    In commodity news, oil traded up 0.07 percent to $97.26, while gold traded up 0.60 percent to $1,258.70.

  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    Shares of Hub have dropped 5.1% to $35.41, but the plunge doesn’t seem to be weighing on other logistic companies. CH Robinson Worldwide (CHRW), for instance, has gained 1.1% to $58.64, JB Hunt Transport Services (JBHT) has risen 1.1% to $71.61, Swift Transportation (SWFT) has advanced 0.9% to $19.56 and Ryder System (R) is up 3.1% to $59.23.

Top 10 Transportation Companies To Own For 2015: SEACOR Holdings Inc (CKH)

SEACOR Holdings Inc, incorporated on November 7, 1989, is a global provider of equipment and services primarily supporting the offshore oil and gas and marine transportation industries. The Company offers customers a diversified suite of services, including offshore marine, aviation, inland river, marine transportation, crisis and emergency management preparedness and response solutions, commodity trading and logistics and offshore and harbor towing. On March 19, 2012, J.F. Lehman & Company acquired National Response Corporation and its affiliated businesses NRC Environmental Services, SEACOR Response, and SEACOR Environmental Products (collectively NRC) from the Company. In January 2013, the Company sold its energy trading division, SEACOR Energy Inc. to Par Petroleum Corporation. On January 31, 2013, it completed the spin off its Era Group Inc unit (Era).

Offshore Marine Services

The Company�� Marine operates a diversified fleet of vessels, servicing the offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production industry worldwide.The Company�� marine provides its customers with the assembly of offshore vessel services in the global offshore oil and gas industry, including transport of personnel, platform supply, offshore accommodation, intervention, maintenance and repair support, standby safety services, anchor handling and mooring services, wind farm support, lift boat services, offshore construction support, well enhancement support, and lightering services.

Aviation Services

The Company�� aviation services subsidiary, Era Group (Era), is the helicopter operators globally. ra supports the oil and gas industry in the United States Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, and internationally. Era provides air medical services, firefighting support, flightseeing tours in Alaska, and Search and Rescue and Emergency Medical Services. Era's affiliate, Era Training Center, offers flight training services. Era also markets and distributes specialty helicopter! equipment and accessories.

Inland River Services

The Company�� Inland River Services group owns and operates modern river transportation equipment; owns covered and open hopper barges, 10,000 and 30,000 barrel tank barges, deck barges, inland river towboats and smaller harbor boats; and provides ancillary services along the United States Inland River Waterways and the Parana-Paraguay and the Magdalena River Systems in South America. SCF Marine operates a fleet of hopper barges along the United States Inland River Waterways and South America, transporting agricultural, industrial, and project cargoes. The liquid division, Supercritical Fluid (SCF) Liquids, is a integrated towboat and tank barge company, specializing in the transportation of chemical, clean, and dirty products. Gateway Terminals is among the newest ethanol and petroleum storage terminals on the Mississippi River, with a capacity of 400,000 barrels and the ability to receive and transfer products by barge, unit train, and truck.

Marine Transportation Services

The Company�� ocean shipping and harbor towing subsidiary, SEACOR Ocean Transport, is an owner and operator of equipment engaged in oil transportation, bunkering, harbor towing, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal support, short sea shipping and logistics, and third-party ship management services. Through all aspects of its operations, SEACOR Ocean Transport focuses to provide its customers with marine transportation solutions.

Commodity Trading and Logistics

The Company�� Commodity Trading and Logistics group specializes in the purchase, storage, transportation, and sale of agricultural and energy commodities, which include renewable fuels, blendstocks, sugar, rice, and salt. The Agricultural group is primarily focused on the global sourcing and logistics of sugar, rice, salt, and other dry bulk products. The Energy group is primarily focused on the domestic trading and transportation of physical e! thanol an! d clean blendstocks.

Harbor and Offshore Towing Services

The Company�� ocean shipping and harbor towing subsidiary, SEACOR Ocean Transport, is an operator of equipment engaged in oil transportation, bunkering, harbor towing, LNG terminal support, short sea shipping and logistics, and third-party ship management services. The harbor towing services group, Seabulk Towing, is a tugboat operator with operations along the Gulf Coast and Southeastern seaboard port system from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to Port Arthur, Texas. Seabulk Island Transport owns and operates four ocean tugs and five ocean liquid tank barges.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Seth Jayson]

    Margins matter. The more Seacor Holdings (NYSE: CKH  ) keeps of each buck it earns in revenue, the more money it has to invest in growth, fund new strategic plans, or (gasp!) distribute to shareholders. Healthy margins often separate pretenders from the best stocks in the market. That's why we check up on margins at least once a quarter in this series. I'm looking for the absolute numbers, so I can compare them to current and potential competitors, and any trend that may tell me how strong Seacor Holdings's competitive position could be.

  • [By Traders Reserve]

    For investors who want a piece of this developing trend, Transocean and Seadrill are two of the bigger players in this arena. Other offshore drillers/rig operators are Noble (NE) and Ensco (ESV). Companies that provide services to offshore drillers and benefit from increases in exploration and drilling activity are Gulfmark Offshore (GLF), Hornbeck (HOS), Seacor (CKH) and Tidewater (TDW).

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015

The Canadian energy sector just got yet another vote of confidence from the world�� most famous investor. Last August, Warren Buffett�� Berkshire Hathaway Inc (NYSE: BRK-B) disclosed that it held nearly 17.8 million shares of Canadian energy giant Suncor Energy Inc�� (NYSE: SU, TSX: SU) stock, a position which was then valued at roughly USD500 million.

Berkshire subsequently pared its holdings in Suncor by about 5 million shares during the fourth quarter, as the stock ascended to a two-year high. Buffett still holds 13 million shares of Suncor, worth about USD543.7 million, making it the 47th largest position in Berkshire�� portfolio of 70 securities.

More recently, in early May, Berkshire announced it would be acquiring Calgary-based electricity transmission company AltaLink for an estimated CAD3.2 billion from the Canadian engineering firm SNC-Lavalin Group Inc (TSX: SNC, OTC: SNCAF). The deal fetched a premium far beyond what most observers had anticipated, and it�� expected to close by the end of the year.

Hot Promising Companies To Watch In Right Now: Toro Co (TTC)

The Toro Company (Toro), incorporated on November 7, 1983, designs, manufactures, and markets professional turf maintenance equipment and services, turf irrigation systems, agricultural micro-irrigation systems, landscaping equipment and lighting, and residential yard and snow removal products. The Company operates in three business segments: Professional, Residential, and Distribution. Its products are advertised and sold at the retail level under the names of Toro, Exmark, Irritrol, Hayter, Pope, Lawn-Boy and Lawn Genie. In October 2013, the Company acquired Xiamen Xiangfeng Water Saving Equipment Co., Ltd.


The Company designs professional turf, landscape, and agricultural products and markets them worldwide through a network of distributors and dealers, as well as directly to Government customers, rental companies, and retailers. These channel partners then sell its products to professional users engaged in creating and renovating landscapes, irrigating turf and agricultural fields, and maintaining turf, such as golf courses, sports fields, municipal properties, and residential and commercial landscapes.

Landscape Contractor Market

The Company market products to landscape contractors under the Toro and Exmark brands. Products for the landscape contractor market include zero-turn radius riding mowers, heavy-duty walk behind mowers, mid-size walk behind mowers, stand-on mowers, and turf renovation and tree care equipment. It also offers some products with electronic fuel injection engine options. In fiscal 2013, it enhanced its line of Toro Z Master Commercial 3000 Series mowers, featuring its TURBO FORCE cutting deck, integrated pump, and wheel motors designed for professional results, performance, and dependability. In addition, in fiscal 2013, it introduced the new Exmark Vantage X-Series stand-on mower.

Sports Fields and Grounds Market

Products for the sports fields and grounds market include riding rotar! y mowers and attachments, aerators, and debris management products, which include versatile debris vacuums, blowers, and sweepers. Other products include multipurpose vehicles, such as the Toro Workman, that can be used for turf maintenance, towing, and industrial hauling. These products are sold through distributors, who then sell to owners and/or managers of sports fields, Governmental properties, and residential and commercial landscapes.

Golf Course Market

The Company�� products for the golf course market include large reel and rotary riding products for fairway, rough and trim cutting; riding and walking mowers for putting greens and specialty areas; greens rollers; turf sprayer equipment; utility vehicles; aeration equipment; and bunker maintenance equipment. In fiscal 2013, it introduced the Reelmaster 3550-D, which features a productive 82 inch cutting width, enhanced ground-following capability with turf-friendly tires, and three-wheel drive system designed for traction in hilly and wet conditions. In addition, in fiscal 2013, it began offering versions of its golf products which are compliant with Tier 4 diesel engine emission requirements. It also manufacture and market underground irrigation systems for the golf course market, including sprinkler heads, controllers, turf sensors, and electric, battery-operated, and hydraulic valves. Its 835S/855S Series golf sprinklers are equipped with a unique TruJectory feature that provides enhanced water distribution control. Its Turf Guard wireless soil monitoring systems are designed to measure soil moisture, salinity, and temperature through buried wireless sensors that communicate through an Internet server for processing and presentation to a user through the Web.

Residential/Commercial Irrigation and Lighting Market

Turf irrigation products marketed under the Toro and Irritrol brands include rotors; sprinkler bodies and nozzles; plastic and brass valves; drip tubing and subsurface irrigation; ! electric ! and hydraulic control devices; and wired and wireless rain, freeze, and climate sensors. These products are designed to be used in residential and commercial turf irrigation systems that are installed into new systems or used to replace or retrofit existing systems. Most of the product lines are designed for underground automatic irrigation. Electric and hydraulic controllers activate valves and sprinkler bodies and nozzles in a typical irrigation system. Its retail irrigation products are marketed under the Toro and Lawn Genie brand names. These products are designed for homeowner installation and include sprinkler heads, valves, timers, and drip irrigation systems. Its ECXTRA sprinkler timers can be used with a home computer and its Scheduling Advisor recommends the proper watering schedule based on the local weather, plant type, and sprinkler. It manufactures and market lighting products under the Unique Lighting Systems brand name.

Micro-Irrigation Market

Products for the micro-irrigation market include products that regulate the flow of water for drip irrigation, including Aqua-Traxx PBX drip tape, Aqua-Traxx PC (pressure-compensating) drip tape, Blue Stripe polyethylene tubing, BlueLine drip line, and NGE emitters, all used in agriculture, mining, and landscape applications. In addition to these products, it offers control devices and connection options. These products are sold primarily through dealers and distributors who then sell to end users for use primarily in vegetable fields, fruit and nut orchards, vineyards, landscapes, and mines. In fiscal 2013, it expanded its product offering of the Neptune thinwall dripline into the North America market, featuring a medium-durability dripline that enables growers to install a subsurface drip irrigation system designed to last for up to ten years and to allow growers of medium-length crops to adopt drip irrigation. In addition, in fiscal 2013, it introduced AquaFlow 3.2 Drip Irrigation Design Software, a new software packag! e used to! help design drip irrigation systems.

Rental and Construction Market

The Company offers over 35 attachments for our compact utility loaders, including trenchers, augers, vibratory plows, and backhoes. In fiscal 2013, it launched the STX-38 Stump Grinder featuring high maneuverability and hydraulic sweep control. Products for the rental market include compact utility loaders, walk-behind trenchers, stump grinders, and turf renovation products, many of which are also sold to landscape contractors. Its presence in the construction market is driven by an equipment line of vibratory plows, trenchers, and horizontal directional drills, all of which are used in the installation, repair, and replacement of underground utilities with minimal impact on surrounding landscapes or structures. In fiscal 2013, it introduced the Toro Pro Sneak Vibratory Plow that delivers consistent and powerful plowing in a compact, maneuverable package.


The Company markets its residential products to homeowners through a variety of distribution channels, including outdoor power equipment dealers, hardware retailers, home centers, mass retailers, and over the Internet. These products are sold mainly in North America, Europe, and Australia, with the exception of snow removal products that are sold primarily in North America and Europe.

Walk Power Mower Products

The Company manufactures and markets a number of walk power mower models under its Toro and Lawn-Boy brand names, as well as the Pope brand in Australia and the Hayter brand in the United Kingdom. Toro also offers a line of rear-roller walk power mowers, a design that provides a striped finish, for the United Kingdom market.

Riding Products

The Company manufactures and markets riding products under the Toro brand name worldwide and under the Hayter brand name in the United Kingdom. Riding products primarily consist of zero-turn radius mowers. Lawn and garden tra! ctor mode! ls are sold worldwide. In addition, its rear engine and direct-collect riding mowers are manufactured and sold in the European market. A number of models are available with a variety of engines, decks, transmissions, and accessories.

Home Solutions Products

Toro designs and markets home solutions products under the Toro and Pope brand names, including electric and battery-operated grass trimmers, electric blower-vacuums, electric blowers, and electric snow throwers. In Australia, the Company also designs and markets underground and hose-end retail irrigation products under the Pope brand name.

Gas Snow Removal Products

The Company manufactures and markets a range of gas-powered single-stage and two-stage snow thrower models. Single-stage snow throwers are walk behind units with lightweight two- and four-cycle gasoline engines. Its two-stage snow throwers are designed for large areas of deep, heavy snow and use four-cycle engines. The Company�� two-stage snow throwers include a line of models featuring the Power Max auger system and the Quick Stick chute control technology.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    Shares of Deere have dropped 0.7% to $93.65 at 3:49 p.m. today, while Agco (AGCO) has dipped 0.1% to $55.12, Toro (TTC) has gained 1% to $65.17 and Caterpillar (CAT) has risen 1.2% to $106.27.

  • [By Seth Jayson]

    There's no foolproof way to know the future for Toro (NYSE: TTC  ) or any other company. However, certain clues may help you see potential stumbles before they happen -- and before your stock craters as a result.

  • [By Rich Duprey]

    Consumer landscape equipment maker�Toro� (NYSE: TTC  ) �announced yesterday its second-quarter dividend of $0.14 per share, the same rate it paid the past two quarters after raising the payout 27% from $0.11 per share.

  • [By Charles Sizemore]

    Stuart Varney took it a step further, mentioning Toro Company (TTC), the maker of many of the snow blowers that have become a common sight across much of America this year. I agreed, adding that Toro is a major manufacturer of lawn and turf maintenance equipment — and because virtually every lawn, park and golf course in America has suffered damage this year, and Toro is well positioned to profit from the repairs.

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015: Liberty Media Corp (LMCA)

Liberty Media Corporation, formerly Liberty Spinco, Inc., incorporated on August 10, 2012, focuses on the media, communications and entertainment industries through its ownership of interests in subsidiaries and other companies. Its businesses and assets include consolidated subsidiaries, Atlanta National League Baseball Club, Inc. and TruePosition, Inc., its equity affiliates Sirius XM Radio Inc. and Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. and minority investments in public companies such as Barnes & Noble, Inc., Time Warner Inc., Time Warner Cable, Inc., Viacom Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corporation. On January 11, 2013, Liberty Media Corporation and Starz announced the completion of the spin-off of Liberty from Starz. In connection with the spin-off, Liberty changed its name from Liberty Spinco, Inc. to Liberty Media Corporation. In January 2013, the Company announced that it held approximately 50.7% interest of Sirius XM Radio Inc. In May 2013, Liberty Media Corp acquired a 27.38% stake in Charter Communications Inc.

Atlanta National League Baseball Club, Inc., or ANLBC, a wholly owned subsidiary, owns and operates the Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise and five minor league baseball clubs (the Gwinnett Braves, the Mississippi Braves, the Rome Braves, the Danville Braves and the GCL Braves). TruePosition is a wholly owned subsidiary that develops and markets technology for locating wireless phones and other wireless devices enabling wireless carriers, application providers and other enterprises to provide E-911 services domestically and other location-based services to mobile users both domestically and worldwide. Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Sirius) broadcasts its music, sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news, traffic and weather channels in the United States on a subscription fee basis through its two satellite radio systems. Subscribers can also receive certain of its music and other channels over the Internet, including through applications for mobile devices.

Sir! ius XM Radio Inc. satellite radios are primarily distributed through automakers (OEMs), retail locations nationwide, and through its Website. Sirius offers a dynamic programming lineup of commercial-free music, sports, entertainment, talk, news, traffic and weather. The channel line-ups for its services vary in certain respects and are available at Sirius offers a selection of music genres, ranging from rock, pop and hip-hop to country, dance, jazz, Latin and classical. Within each genre it offers a range of formats, styles and recordings. Sirius offers a range of national, international and financial news, including news from BBC World Service News, Bloomberg Radio, CNBC, CNN, FOX News, HLN, MSNBC, NPR and World Radio Network. Barnes & Noble, Inc., is a content, commerce and technology company providing customers easy and convenient access to books, magazines, newspapers and other content across its multi-channel distribution platform. As of April 28, 2012, Barnes & Noble operated 1,338 bookstores in 50 states, including 647 bookstores on college campuses, operates one of the Internet's e-Commerce sites and develops digital content products and software.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    In addition, Sirius investors are trying to figure out the strategy that major shareholder Liberty Media (NASDAQ: LMCA  ) has for its holdings in the company. Last month, Liberty bought a 27% stake in cable TV operator Charter Communications, using capital that some Sirius investors had hoped Liberty would spend making a premium buyout offer for the remainder of the satellite radio company that it doesn't own. So far, Liberty hasn't committed either to a buyout or to a spinoff of its Sirius shares, seemingly content to keep its majority control.

  • [By Jon C. Ogg]

    The Merrill Lynch report was simply named “Liberated” now that Liberty Media Corp. (NASDAQ: LMCA) has withdrawn its bid to acquire (or steal) the remaining 47% of Sirius XM at $3.68 per share. The new plan is to spin Liberty into dual tracking stocks, even though plans for ultimate ownership or involvement in Sirius are not fully clear. For now, Sirius will remain the main asset of Liberty, while a new Liberty Broadband tracker will include the company’s 25% or so stake in Charter and its prior holdings in Time Warner Cable, along with other assets.

  • [By Michael Lewis]

    Pay-TV cable operator Starz (NASDAQ: STRZA  ) , a spinoff from media conglomerate Liberty Media (NASDAQ: LMCA  ) , has done nothing but climb since its market debut less than a year ago. This past month, the company reported its first-quarter earnings for 2013, and while the numbers came up short of analyst expectations, there was plenty of encouraging news for the long-term viability of the company. Just this past week, it was announced that Berkshire Hathaway had amassed a nearly 5% position in the company, gained as a result of the firm's sizable Liberty Media stake. The question now is, does the stock still have room to run, or is this growth story coming to an end?

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015: Mountain China Resorts Holding Ltd (MCG)

Mountain China Resorts (Holding) Limited (MCR) is a Canada-based investment holding company. The Company is a Mountain resort developer in the People�� Republic of China. The Company�� subsidiaries engaged in the development and operation of mountain resorts and provision of hotel services in the People's Republic of China. The Company holds 100% interest in Mountain China Resorts Investment Limited, which in turn holds 100% interest in Mountain China Resorts Limited. The Company owns and operates the ski resort in the People�� Republic of China, Sun Mountain Yabuli Resort in Heilongjiang Province. The Sun Mountain Yabuli Resort also has two luxury five star hotels, restaurants, spa, retail, and conference facilities. It holds 140 million square meters of land for commercial development purpose around the Sun Mountain Yabuli Resort. As of December 31, 2011, the Company�� resort real estate development project was at the Sun Mountain Yabuli Resort. Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By ICRAOnline]

    Apart from the Data Center Group, Intel expects the Axxia deal to boost the performance of the other two segments ��Internet of Things Group (IoTG) and Mobile and Communications Group (MCG).

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015: MGP Ingredients Inc.(MGPI)

MGP Ingredients, Inc. produces ingredients and distillery products in the United States. It processes wheat flour and corn into various products through an integrated production process. The company operates in three business segments: Ingredient Solutions, Distillery Products, and Other. The Ingredient Solutions segment products consist of specialty proteins, specialty starches, vital wheat gluten, commodity wheat starch, and mill by-products. The Distillery Products segment offers food grade alcohol; fuel grade alcohol, commonly known as ethanol; and distiller?s feed and carbon dioxide, which are co-products of the company?s distillery operations. The Other segment products comprise resins, and plant-based polymers and composites. MGP Ingredients, Inc. sells its products directly or through distributors to the manufacturers and processors of finished goods. The company was founded in 1941 and is headquartered in Atchison, Kansas.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By John Udovich]

    Shares of small cap stocks VASCO Data Security International, Inc (NASDAQ: VDSI), MGP Ingredients Inc (NASDAQ: MGPI) and Planar Systems, Inc (NASDAQ: PLNR) are up 277.7%, 228.5% and 222%, respectively, since the start of the year with all three stocks being in rather interesting or overlooked sectors e.g. data/cloud security, alcohol/ingredients and display/digital signage technology. Here is what you need to know or be warned about all three small cap stocks:

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015: Aberdeen Asset Management PLC (ABDNY)

Aberdeen Asset Management PLC is a global asset management company investing across the four main asset classes of equity, fixed income, property and alternative investment strategies. The Company operates in 23 countries. It has reorganized the Aberdeen Private Equity Fund, which is its private equity investment vehicle. The Company�� business is the management of financial assets for third parties. Its key clients include national and corporate pension funds, central banks and other investment institutions. It is a property asset manager in Europe and manages assets in Europe, Asia and North America. Effective February 20, 2014, Aberdeen Asset Management PLC acquired The Capitol Shopping Centre. In May 2014, the Company acquired Scottish Widows Investment Partnership's Infrastructure fund management business. Also completed acquisition of Scottish Widows Partnership Group Ltd and its related private equity and infrastructure fund management businesses from Lloyds Banking Group plc. Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By John Udovich]

    The poorly conceived Scottish Independence vote has failed���something that could be good news for Scottish stocks like Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (NYSE: RBS), Aberdeen Asset Management (OTCMKTS: ABDNY) and SSE PLC (OTCMKTS: SSEZY) that have well traded ADRs on US exchanges. To begin with, its worth mentioning the work done by Paul Marsh of London Business School and Scott Evans of Walbrook Economics where they identified 100 purely Scottish stocks currently listed in London and compared this with a parallel ��est of the UK��index over the last 60 years. They found that 拢1 invested in the Scotsie 100 in 1955 would have grown to 拢648 today (with dividends reinvested), a 5.7% increase in real (inflation-adjusted) terms. However, 拢1 invested in the rest of the UK would have grown to 拢1,168, a 6.8% increase.

Hot Warren Buffett Companies To Watch For 2015: Digirad Corp (DRAD)

Digirad Corporation, incorporated in 1997, is the developer and manufacturer of medical diagnostic imaging systems, including solid-state gamma cameras for nuclear cardiology and general nuclear medicine applications. The Company operates in two segments: DIS (its diagnostic imaging service business) and its product segment. Through DIS, the Company provides in-office imaging services to physicians, offering certified personnel, required licensure, an imaging system and other support and supplies for the performance of nuclear and ultrasound imaging procedures under the supervision of its physician customers. The Companies imaging systems are sold in both portable and fixed configurations. DIS physician customers enter into annual lease contracts for imaging services generally delivered on a per-day basis. The Company�� product segment sells solid-state gamma cameras and provides camera service and maintenance.

Imaging Services

DIS offers portable nuclear and ultrasound imaging services. Its nuclear modality services include an imaging system, a certified nuclear medicine technologist and a cardiac stress technician, often certified or a trained nurse or paramedic, the supply of radiopharmaceuticals, and required licensing services for the performance of nuclear imaging procedures under the supervision of physicians. The ultrasound imaging service is similar, in that the Company provides the ultrasound equipment and one ultrasound technologist. Its portable nuclear imaging operations use a hub and spoke model, in which centrally located regional hubs anchor multiple van routes in the surrounding metropolitan areas. At its DIS hubs, clinical personnel load the equipment, radiopharmaceuticals, and other supplies onto specially equipped vans for transport to the physician�� office or other customer locations, where they set up the equipment for the day. The Company provides nuclear and ultrasound services primarily under annual contracts for services delivered on a per-day ! basis.


Digirad markets and manufactures a line of nuclear medicine cameras for nuclear cardiology and general nuclear medicine applications. Its cameras are used in hospitals, imaging centers, physician offices and by mobile service providers. Its nuclear cameras feature detectors based on solid-state technology developed by the Company. The solid-state technology provides the Company with the capability to market and manufacture a diverse family of cardiac and general-purpose cameras.

The Cardius family of cardiac SPECT (single-photon emission computerized tomography) solid-state imagers makes it possible to image patients up to 500 pounds in a sitting position. Upright imaging makes it possible to image bariatric, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or claustrophobic patients that typically could not be imaged lying down on. The Company offers fixed dual-head and triple-head cardiac camera models for use within a facility and a portable dual-head configuration that makes it possible to move the system to provide service to multiple rooms or sites. Its flagship in cardiology is the Cardius XACT SPECT/CT system. It features a triple-head design and a low dose volume computed tomography (CT) attenuation correction methodology.

The Company�� ergo is a large-field-of-view planar portable imaging camera. The ergo imaging system is targeted to hospitals with multi-camera general nuclear medicine departments, academic centers, pediatric hospitals, regional trauma centers, women�� health centers and cancer centers. The Company also provides triple-head Cardius 3 XPO system, which provides shorter image acquisition time. Its Cardius X-ACT camera is a rapid cardiac SPECT/VCT imager. The Cardius X-ACT camera is positioned more toward the hospital and larger cardiology practices.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Lisa Levin]

    Digirad (NASDAQ: DRAD) shares created a new 52-week high of $3.989 on Q3 results.

    Posted-In: 52-Week HighsNews Intraday Update Markets Movers

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015

It hasn't even been two weeks since Google (NASDAQ: GOOG  ) announced that it was bringing its gigabit Google Fiber service to Austin, and the search giant has now outlined plans to expanding into Provo, Utah.

Big G confirmed the decision on its official blog last night, noting that Provo is home of numerous tech companies and start-ups that could benefit from speedier Internet. There's one notable difference, though, in that the Provo plans haven't been finalized; it goes up for a City Council vote next week. Who doesn't want Google to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to improve connectivity and provide free gigabit service to public institutions in their city? It should be a quick vote.

As part of the arrangement, Google has agreed to acquire iProvo, which is an existing fiber optic network that's currently owned by the city. The company would then upgrade the existing network to gigabit speeds and complete network build out to reach every home in the network.

Hot Retail Stocks For 2016: Google Inc.(GOOG)

Google Inc. maintains an index of Web sites and other online content for users, advertisers, and Google network members and other content providers. It offers AdWords, an auction-based advertising program; AdSense program, which enables Web sites that are part of the Google Network to deliver ads from its AdWords advertisers; Google Display, a display advertising network that comprises the videos, text, images, and other interactive ads; DoubleClick Ad Exchange, a real-time auction marketplace for the trading of display ad space; and YouTube that provides video, interactive, and other ad formats for advertisers. The company also provides Google Mobile that optimizes Google?s applications for mobile devices in browser and downloadable form; and enables advertisers to run search ad campaigns on mobile devices, as well as Google Local that provides local information on the Web; and Google Boost for small businesses to participate in the ads auction. In addition, it offers And roid, an open source mobile software platform; Google Chrome OS, an open source operating system; Google Chrome, a Web browser; Google TV, a platform for the consumers to use the television and the Internet on a single screen; and Google Books platform to discover, search, and consume content from printed books online. Further, the company provides Google Apps, a cloud computing suite of message and collaboration tools, which includes Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Sites; Google Search Appliance that offers real-time search of business and intranet applications, and public Web sites; Google Site Search, a custom search engine; Google Commerce Search for online retail enterprises; Google Checkout to make online shopping and payments streamlined and secure; Google Maps Application Programming Interface; and Google Earth Enterprise, a firewall software solution for imagery and data visualization. Google Inc. was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Mountain View, California.

Advisors' Opinion:

    Alamy There are plenty of stocks going up -- and down -- in any given week. The gainers inspire us to keep investing. The decliners keep greed in check while reminding us about the risks of the equity markets. Let's go over some of last week's best and worst performers. Pike (PIKE) -- Up 49 percent last week The market's biggest winner of last week was Pike, a specialty construction and engineering firm that received a bid to be taken private. J. Eric Pike -- the firm's chairman and CEO -- is teaming up with private equity firm Court Square Capital Partners to buy out shareholders at $12 a share. It's a fair premium, pricing the buyout at a better than 50 percent premium to where the stock was trading when it was announced. A few attorneys are trying to smoke out investors who feel that the CEO-led privatization push isn't fair, but it's likely to stick at that kind of healthy markup. Pike shares may have traded in the low teens last summer, but that was before revenue and earnings began heading the wrong way. Most shareholders should be more than happy to take the money and run. RadNet (RDNT) -- Up 34 percent last week Operating a network of 251 facilities that perform outpatient diagnostic imaging services is looking good for RadNet. The stock moved sharply higher after a strong quarterly report. Revenue inched slighting higher as MRI and CT scan volume increased modestly during the period. However, the real star in the report was RadNet's bottom line. Its cost-cutting and debt-slashing efforts paid off with net income soaring to $0.12 a share after clocking in at a $0.07 a share a year earlier. Analysts were only holding out for $0.05 a share. RadNet also helped improve its standing by boosting its guidance for all of 2014. You don't need any of RadNet's fancy imaging equipment to see that that's a healthy sign. Trex (TREX) -- Up 25 percent last week It was a good week for a pair of home improvement specialists. Shares of CaesarStone (CSTE) moved 20

  • [By Kevin Chen]

    Research by NSS Labs indicates that in its testing, Microsoft� (NASDAQ: MSFT  ) �Internet Explorer and Google� (NASDAQ: GOOG  ) �Chrome are the safest browsers.

  • [By Jessica Alling]

    Google (NASDAQ: GOOG  ) and Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN  ) have also both gotten into the online payment melee, with Google Wallet and Amazon Payments. Both methods are widely accepted by merchants across the Internet, but still lag behind PayPal and credit/debit card payments. But the issue for consumers remains that each system still requires access to a bank account or credit card, plus the wallets or payment systems are not accepted everywhere. That leads to multiple accounts, which spreads out their money. Hence the attraction of a digital currency.

  • [By Paul Ausick]

    Big Earnings Movers: Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) is up 13.8% at $1,011.65 after hammering estimates. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NYSE: AMD) is down 13.7% at $3.53. General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) is up 3.6% at $25.57 after beating estimates. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is up 2.6% at $29.68. Schlumberger Ltd. (NYSE: SLB) is up 2.8% at $93.95 on solid earnings. All these stocks, except AMD, posted new 52-week highs today; Google posted its all-time high.

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: IAC/InterActiveCorp (IACI)

IAC/InterActiveCorp engages in the Internet business in the United States and internationally. The company�s Search segment develops, markets, and distributes various downloadable toolbars; provides search, reference, and content services through its destination search and other Websites, including and; and aggregates and integrates local advertising and content for distribution to publishers on Web and mobile platforms, as well as markets and distributes mobile applications through which it provides search and additional services. Its Match segment offers subscription-based and advertiser-supported online personals services through its Websites comprising,,,, and, as well as through mobile applications and Meetic-branded Websites. The company�s ServiceMagic segment offers Market Match service that matches consumers with service professionals; Exact Match service, which enables con sumers to review service professional profiles and select the service professional that meets their specific needs; and, an online directory of service professionals. This segment also offers Website design and hosting services. Its Media and Other segment operates, an online entertainment Website that targets young males; Vimeo, a Website on which users can upload, share, and view video; and, a comparison search engine. This segment also engages in the creation of video content for various distribution platforms; and operates as an Internet retailer of footwear and related apparel and accessories, as well as focuses on multimedia business. The company was formerly known as InterActiveCorp and changed its name to IAC/InterActiveCorp in July 2004. IAC/InterActiveCorp was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jake L'Ecuyer]

    Equities Trading UP
    IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI) shot up 15.54 percent to $69.43 after the company reported that that it is reorganizing and that Greg Blatt, its CEO, will become the Chairman of the newly created Match Group.

  • [By Monica Gerson]

    IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI) shares fell 14.51% to $49.50 in the pre-market trading after the company reported downbeat Q3 revenue.

    Posted-In: PreMarket LosersNews Movers & Shakers Pre-Market Outlook Markets

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: eBay Inc.(EBAY)

eBay Inc. provides online platforms, services, and tools to help individuals and merchants in online and mobile commerce and payments in the United States and internationally. Its Marketplaces segment operates ecommerce platform; vertical shopping sites, such as StubHub, Fashion, Motors, and; and classifieds Websites, including Den Bl�Avis, BilBasen, Gumtree, Kijiji, LoQUo,,, Alamaula,, eBay Anuncios, eBay Kleinanzeigen, and eBay Annunci, as well as provides advertising services. The company?s Payments segment offers payment and settlement services for consumers and merchants on and off eBay Websites and other merchant Websites. This segment operates PayPal, which enables individuals and businesses to send and receive payments online and through mobile devices; Bill Me Later that enables the United States merchants to offer, the United States consumers to obtain, credit at the point of sale for ecommerce and mobile tra nsactions; Zong, which allows users with mobile phones to purchase digital goods and have the transactions charged to their phone bill; and BillSAFE that enables customers pay for purchases upon receipt of an invoice. Its GSI segment offers an ecommerce services suite for enterprise clients that operate in general merchandise categories, including apparel, sporting goods, toys and baby, health and beauty, and home; and marketing services comprising full-service digital agency, enterprise email marketing, mobile advertising, affiliate marketing, advertisement retargeting, and in-depth analytics services. The company also offers X.commerce platform that provides software developers access to the company?s applications programming interfaces to develop functionality for various merchants; and Magento Connect, which allows developers to market and sell add-on functionality and solutions to merchants that use a Magento storefront. eBay Inc. was founded in 1995 and is headquarter ed in San Jose, California.

Advisors' Opinion:

    Ross D. Franklin/ employee Hugh Johnson Jr. packs up a box at an warehouse earlier this month. Americans waited until the last minute to buy holiday gifts, but retailers weren't prepared for the spike in sales. Heavy spending in the final days of the mostly lackluster season sent sales up 3.5 percent between Nov. 1 and Tuesday, according to MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse, which tracks payments but doesn't give dollar figures. Online shopping led the uptick, with spending up 10 percent to $38. 91 billion between Nov. 2 and Sunday, research firm ComScore (SCOR) said. "We always have last-minute Charlies, but this year even people who normally complete shopping earlier completed shopping later," said Marshal Cohen, chief retail analyst at market research firm NPD Group. The late surge caught companies off guard. UPS (UPS) and FedEx (FDX) failed to deliver some packages by Christmas due to a combination of poor weather and overloaded systems, leaving some unhappy holiday shoppers. Justin Londagin and his wife ordered their 7-year-old son a jersey of Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks from NFL's website on Dec. 19. They paid $12.95 extra for two-day shipping to get it to their Augusta, Kan., home before Christmas, but it didn't arrive in time. "We had to get creative and wrote him a note from Santa to tell him that the jersey fell out of the sleigh and Santa will get it to him as soon as he could," he said. (AMZN) is offering customers with delayed shipments a refund on their shipping charges and $20 toward a future purchase. And other retailers such as Macy's said they are looking into the situation. The last-minute surge this year solidifies the increasing popularity of online shopping, which accounts for about 10 percent of sales during the last three months of the year. It also underscores the challenges that companies face delivering on the experience, particularly during the holiday shopping season that runs

  • [By Motley Fool Staff]

    In this video segment, Remer describes the platforms and ecosystems in use for money transfer, how they're evolving with each generation, and what he sees ahead for current giants such as MasterCard (NYSE: MA  ) , Intuit (NASDAQ: INTU  ) , and eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY  ) .


    ChinaFotoPress/Getty ImagesEmployees cheer at Alibaba headquartes in China as its stock debuts in New York. At $231 billion, Alibaba Group (BABA) closed Friday with more than twice the market cap of Facebook (FB), three times that of eBay (EBAY), and about 50 percent more than (AMZN). For founder Jack Ma, the run-up means he's now worth more than $20 billion, according to Forbes' estimates. Yahoo (YHOO), meanwhile, is now sitting on a stake that was worth more than $49 billion the day of the initial public offiering -- about $10 billion more than its current market cap.

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: CYNK Technology Corp (CYNK)

Cynk Technology Corp., formerly Introbuzz, Inc., is a development stage-company. The Company intends to develop a social network business. Social networks are Web based services that allow individuals to post a profile and link their profile to other friends and organizations.

The Company intends to develop a database of professional and other business persons, as well as other interested persons in providing and utilizing contacts. As of November 14, 2012, the Company had not generated any revenue.

Advisors' Opinion:

    CYNK Technology (CYNK), the mysterious over-the-counter stock that at one point broke a $6 billion market cap, dropped roughly 80 percent in its first trades after a Securities and Exchange Commission halt. The SEC halted CYNK for two weeks following a massive rise in the stock's value -- it had been worth only a few cents per share in June, but it jumped above $21 on July 10. The Belize-based CYNK Technology supposedly operates a social networking site, but filings indicate it only has one employee and virtually no assets. Experts told CNBC the week of the SEC halt that they expected CYNK to fall precipitously after reopening, and its first day of trading is proving those predictions correct. When it was halted, the stock was worth just less than $14 per share, and is now below $3 a share after briefly hovering around $5 earlier Friday morning. An OTC Markets spokeswoman told Reuters that CYNK's shares were not trading on its platform, but were occurring over the phone. Earlier this week Reuters reported that OTC's CEO did not expect CYNK to trade on its platform at all after reopening, as no brokerages would file the required paperwork for the stock to trade on their exchanges. An SEC spokesman said that the organization cannot comment on the status of a company after a suspension period ends, citing an online explanation of the process. That document notes that broker-dealers may not solicit investors to trade the previously suspended OTC stock until they satisfy several regulatory requirements. The SEC warned, however, that "unsolicited" trading may occur after a reopening -- as CYNK is now seeing -- but "even though such trading is allowed, it can be very risky for investors without current and reliable information about the company."

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: Propell Technologies Group Inc (PROP)

Propell Technologies Group, Inc., incorporated on February 04, 2008, offers enhanced oil recovery technology and services. These services are offered through its wholly owned subsidiary Novas Energy USA, Inc., through commercial application of a Plasma-Pulse Technology.

The Company�� technology is designed to be suitable for oil wells as deep as 12,000 feet. Novas�� Plasma-Pulse Treatment is an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology and process. The treatment uses no chemicals.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By John Udovich]

    Although oil prices are at multi year lows, now�might be the time to start taking a closer look at�small cap gas compression or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) stocks like TETRA Technologies, Inc (NYSE: TTI), Exterran Holdings, Inc (NYSE: EXH) and Propell Technologies Group Inc (OTCBB: PROP)�as oil and natural gas prices will�inevitably rise once again. To start with, natural gas compression services are�needed to transport natural gas from low-pressure wells into gathering systems, storage and processing facilities�as well as to maintain production as reservoir pressure declines. In addition, compression services�are used to extract gas from�unconventional natural gas sources like shale plays. As for so-called enhanced oil recovery or EOR, its�a generic term for the techniques used for increasing the amount of crude oil that can be extracted from an oil field with these potential methods including steam flood and water flood injection�or hydraulic fracturing�(so-called fracking). Naturally,�demand for compression services and EOR technologies are impacted by (the temporary)�low oil and gas commodity prices and so are the share prices for publicly traded stocks in the space.

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: Inc.(AMZN), Inc. operates as an online retailer in North America and internationally. It operates retail Web sites, including and The company serves consumers through its retail Web sites and focuses on selection, price, and convenience. It also offers programs that enable sellers to sell their products on its Web sites, and their own branded Web sites. In addition, the company serves developer customers through Amazon Web Services, which provides access to technology infrastructure that developers can use to enable virtually various type of business. Further, it manufactures and sells the Kindle e-reader. Additionally, the company provides fulfillment; miscellaneous marketing and promotional agreements, such as online advertising; and co-branded credit cards., Inc. was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Tim Melvin]

    That�� not the case with other high-flying stocks. There is no floor under stocks that trade at triple-digit multiples of profits and several times the value of the corporate assets. As an example, I’m a huge fan of Amazon (AMZN) … as a consumer. Thanks to them, I never have to go to the dreaded shopping mall again. I’ve had two Amazon deliveries today alone and I’m a big Kindle fan as well.

  • [By Paul Ausick]

    Apps downloads for the month of January show that the Google Play store from Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) gained another point of market share in the two-company battle with the App Store from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL). Google Play now claims 38% of the market between the two players, up from 37% in December and 35% in August 2013. The Appstore from Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) is not yet included in the data reported by research firm Distimo.

  • [By Rick Munarriz]

    Lynch was the head of the company's online retailing division when he was promoted in 2010. At the time it seemed to indicate an emphasis on the chain's digital initiatives. Barnes & Noble had decided to compete against (NASDAQ: AMZN  ) a year earlier by introducing the Nook, and was positioning itself to be a bigger force in media retail.

Top Internet Stocks To Invest In 2015: Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA)

Alibaba Group Holding Limited, incorporated on June 28, 1999, is an online and mobile commerce company. The Company operates its ecosystem as a platform for third parties. The Company operates Taobao Marketplace, China�� online shopping destination, Tmall, China�� third-party platform for brands and retailers and Juhuasuan, China�� group buying marketplace. In addition to its three China retail marketplaces, the Company operates, China�� global online wholesale marketplace,, its China wholesale marketplace, and AliExpress, its global consumer marketplace, as well as provides cloud computing services. As a platform, the Company provides the fundamental technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help businesses leverage the power of the Internet to establish an online presence and conduct commerce with consumers and businesses. Effective August 01, 2014, Alibaba Investment Ltd, a unit of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, acquired a 10.193% interest n Singapore Post Ltd.

The buyers and sellers discover, select and transact with each other on the Company�� platform. Third-party service providers add value to its platform through service offerings that make it easier for buyers and sellers to do business. The third-party participants in its ecosystem include a payment services provider, logistics providers, retail operational partners, marketing affiliates, independent software vendors and various professional service providers. The Company has developed policies and procedures that maintain the health and sustainability of its marketplaces, including consumer protection programs, marketplace rules, qualification standards for merchants and buyer and seller rating systems. As its ecosystem expands, new jobs are created.

Taobao Affiliate Network is powered by Alimama, its online marketing technology platform. Through this platform, sellers place marketing displays on its marketing affiliates��websites and mobile apps, and sellers pay a performance-b! ased marketing fee primarily based on cost-per-click (CPC), and cost-per-sale (CPS), models. Through China Smart Logistics, the Company provides real-time information to its logistics partners, including key operating metrics, such as distribution center utilization rates, route planning data and order volume forecasts. Independent software vendors (ISVs) provide software tools, as well as systems integration services to sellers.

Tmall is an online platform featuring brands and retailers with each seller having an identifiable online storefront. Users may access Tmall anytime, anywhere through the Tmall Website and the mobile apps and mobile-optimized websites provided by Taobao Marketplace and Tmall. The physical product categories on Tmall include apparel and accessories, electronics and appliances, home furnishings, home appliances, maternity and baby products. Juhuasuan is an online group buying marketplace in China. Juhuasuan offers quality products at discounted prices by aggregating demand from numerous consumers. Juhuasuan mainly does this through flash sales, which make products available at discounted prices for a limited period of time. Juhuasuan offers group buying channels featuring branded and private label products, products made to custom specifications and local services.

AliExpress is a consumer marketplace enables consumers from around the world to buy directly from wholesalers and manufacturers in China. On AliExpress, consumers have access to a variety of products. In addition to the global English-language site, AliExpress operates two local language sites in Russia and Brazil. The product categories on include apparel and accessories, phones and communications products, beauty and health, computer networking, jewelry and watches. is an online commerce platform. Sellers on may pay for an annual Gold Supplier membership to host a premium storefront with product listings on the marketplace.

The Company��! marketin! g technology platform, Alimama, offers sellers on its marketplaces marketing services for both personal computer and mobile devices, which include P4P marketing service and display marketing. Alimama also offers its sellers these marketing services through third parties through the Taobao Affiliate Network. The Taobao Ad Network and Exchange (TANX) automates the buying and selling of billions of advertising impressions on a daily basis by third parties. The Company also offer a data management platform (DMP), connected to TANX. Its DMP allows participants on TANX to evaluate and select online advertising inventory using both behavioral data they provide, as well as data from browsing behavior and shopping history. Its Cloud Computing supports its commerce ecosystem by providing a distributed computing infrastructure to handle the large volume of traffic and data generated on its online marketplaces. Its cloud computing platform offers service offerings, including elastic computing, database services and storage and large scale computing services.

The company offer search functions on all of its Web pages, mobile apps and many of its marketing affiliates��websites and apps to make it easy for buyers to find products and services within its marketplaces. The Company offers Aliwangwang, a personal computer-based instant messenger that supports text, audio and video communication. The Company developed Aliwangwang to facilitate open communication between buyers and sellers on Taobao Marketplace and Tmall. Buyers and sellers use it as a tool for a range of tasks, including negotiation of prices, customer services and delivery notification, in addition to the basic messaging functions. It offer Qianniu , an integrated platform for communication and productivity tools which allows sellers on Taobao Marketplace and Tmall to manage their operations more efficiently.

Alipay, the Company�� related company, provides payment and escrow services for transactions on Taobao Marketplace, Tm! all, 1688! .com and certain of its other sites, as well as to third parties in China. The Company�� small and medium enterprise (SME) loan business provides micro loans to sellers on its wholesale and retail marketplaces through lending vehicles licensed by the local government.

The company competes with Tencent and Baidu.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    Trading volume was particularly heavy today, thanks to Alibaba’s (BABA) heavily-hyped IPO. More than 270 million shares of Alibaba changed hands today, making it the most heavily traded stock today, while Yahoo! (YHOO), which owns a big chunk of the Chinese internet giant, saw 231 million shares traded, the most since Microsoft (MSFT) it would no longer buy the company back in May 2008. Overall, 8.6 billion shares changed hands today, the fourth highest volume of the year.


    And with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (NYSE: BABA) - China's No. 1 e-commerce player - scheduled to go public soon, investors are suddenly seeing the potential of the country's online marketplace.

  • [By Jayson Derrick]

    Looking forward to Tuesday, Alibaba (NYSE: BABA) will report earnings for the first time as a public company. International trade data will be released at 8:30 a.m. ET with factory orders to follow at 10:00 a.m. ET.