Monday, June 2, 2014

Top Heal Care Stocks To Invest In 2015

Top Heal Care Stocks To Invest In 2015: Aeon Metals Ltd (AQR)

Aeon Metals Limited is an Australia-based company. Its principal activity is exploration of the Rawbelle tenement for porphyry copper/molybdenum mineralization near Monto, Queensland. The principal project is the Greater Whitewash Polymetallic Project, which consists of four deposits over a strike length of five kilometers and width of one kilometer. Its other projects include Kiwi Carpet, Kildare Project, Juicy Fruit, and Anomaly 7B. As of June 30, 2012, it controlled seven contiguous exploration permits for minerals (EPMs): 14628, 15920, 15921, 15922, 17001, 17702, 17060, which are 100% held by the Company and three contiguous EPMs at Kidare: 14627, 15919, and 18202. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 (fiscal 2012), it drilled 37 holes for 9,112 meters, being7, 440 meters reverse circulation (RC) and 1672 meters of diamond drilling (DD) on Rawbelle tenement. As of June 30, 2012, Kiwi Carpet porphyry copper area has had 20 drill holes which returned grades of copper. Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Marc Chandler]

    3. The flash euro area PMIs, due Thursday, stand out as the most market sensitive economic data from the euro area. Although the sentiment has been running ahead of real sector data, slight positive growth has replaced the recent contraction. Next Wednesday, the ECB is expected to unveil the broad details of the Asset Quality Review (AQR). This is not a stress test. It is a preliminary review of the books of the banks for which it will soon have supervisory responsibilities. Definitions of risk-weighted assets various in the euro area and some uniformity is a necessary condition of a banking union. New stress tests will be conducted next year.

  • source from Top Penny Stocks For 2015:

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